“…And Let Him Be Gentle…”. (Q.s Al Kahf : 19).
Remarks by the Chairman of Yayasan Amanah Kita
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
An outpouring of gratitude is due to Allah Swt, the Most High, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. The infinite number of salutations and greetings, always poured out to Sayyidul Wujud, Muhammad Rasulullah SAW, his family, loyal friends and followers until the end of time.
Alhamdulillah, the presence of the Amanah Kita Foundation among Muslims and the Indonesian nation today is a manifestation of the noble desire to take part in the long journey of Islamic civilization, which has colored the lives of mankind since fourteen centuries ago.
With the background of the wealth and diversity of Indonesian nature and culture that forms the civilization of the archipelago, it is not excessive if as a called human being, we as the head of the Foundation get the gift of carrying out the mandate of the people to be involved in maintaining, preserving and developing the scientific world through cultural aspects.
The establishment of the Amanah Kita Foundation, which initially not only received a positive response and blessing from the scholars in the country, but also has involved many scientists and practitioners of the Islamic world, and now we have entered the fifth year, where the educational activities and efforts to preserve Islamic culture that we launched have won the support and involvement of foreign scholars. This is very encouraging and we should be grateful with the words, Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin.
Indeed, in terms of age, Yayasan Amanah Kita is relatively new, but with the permission of Allah SWT and the performance of the management brothers, God willing, every program that is carried out will be carried out solemnly in order to bring great benefits to the nation and Muslims in the world.
Therefore, we as administrators, ask for support and prayers from all Muslims so that our Amanah Foundation, istiqomah on the path of service and continues to carry out the mandate of the people to take part in the moral and economic development of the nation through cultural aspects.
Finally, may age not prevent us from carrying out our duties and devotion in the path of Islam.
Wabillahi Taufik wal Hidayah
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
H. M. Hartono A Limin
Chairman of Yayasan Amanah Kita